
Ressoapk.com.in provides all information and files to benefit our valuable users, and we can’t guarantee the reliability and accuracy of any information. Our sole mission is to provide accurate and suitable information and data, and we are sure about the purity of our information. Unless there is a variety of links and information, we always focus on the quality and accuracy of data. But irrespective of that, you do not take any legal actions based on external sources and information.

You are entirely responsible for your actions and utilising the external links, and we are not answerable for any damage or issues. Some links and sources are obtained from external websites, and we are not responsible for any damages due to these hyperlinks and sources. When we leave our website and visit third-party sources and websites, it is not displayed as our mistake and supported information.


At ressoapk.com.in, we always focus on providing the latest and updated data and information, and downloading is connected to your own risk. Sometimes, technical faults appear, and we can’t take control of these actions. Any sort of updates or changes in our policies will be posted this page.